Barbering Fundamentals 2 weeks 8 Days Tuesday - Friday 10 – 3
Week 1
Day 1 : Orientation introduction to Barbers, review of equipment including mannequin, Consultation roleplay. Draping, shampoo scalp massage. Theory for shaving on Ballon. Shave on Balloon.
Day 2 : Theory on machines, guards, razor theory. Shaving on the balloon Sectioning on the mannequin. Zero Elevation on beard .
Day 3 : Shaving on the Balloon. Demo Instructor Using Scissors on mannequin 45 degree cut on beard Instructor to begin blending on the beard (Blade).
Day 4 : Hair texture, density and natural part. Sectioning for Blunt Cut on mannequin using zero elevation leading into layered cut.
Review of week.
Week 2
Day 1 : Demo on mannequin by instructor Classic cut / 45 degree and style.
Day 2 : Demo by Instructor of taper fade done on mannequin with line up around the permitter followed by style . Begin mid fade.
Day 3 : Complete mid fade and style. Begin demo of high fade on mannequin.
Day 4 : Complete high fade demo and style. Finish with Buzz cut demo.Review of week. Student to post a Google review for the MZ Academy.